Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Santa Baby

We had a very relaxing Baby's First Christmas! We woke 
up about 9 am opened our gifts. Brooklyn had a great X
-Mas breakfast, then I made breakfast for Nick, Stewart and myself. While the boys went and shoveled the snow. Yes, we had a white Christmas.
My little Christmas LadyBug!
Then after Daddy got off work we took some family photos. With a newborn and her first Christmas it was a great day. We are very blessed and given the best Christmas present ever.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Big Day!

 To start off Brooklyn and my morning when I went to change her diaper I discovered she lost her "belly button" umbilical cord. Now she can have a good bath. Then this afternoon I had to take her to get her second round of newborn blood
 work. When we got there I thought she would be able to stay in her car seat and they would just poke her and get on with it, but NO. I had to unstrap her and hold her down on a little table. Then the horror began. They warmed up her little foot and cleaned it off and then BOOM! Cry baby Cry! She just let loose. It was so sad to watch your baby cry because some mean lady hurt her. She cried until mommy got to hold her. She was such a little trooper.
Then I was able to bring my little baby home. She is 
such a good baby. I have been experiencing a little difficulty nursing. You just don't know how much your little baby is getting, but I think my little baby is getting toooo much. She gets to the point to where she pukes up her food. Not just a little, but in mass quantities. So, I called the doctor and I am feeding her every two to four hours for thirty minutes. I started that at 4:45 pm. I hope this will keep her from giving it all back. She is peacefully sleeping right now and she has puked it up yet. KNOCK ON WOOD! 

Monday, December 22, 2008

Early Merry Christmas!

Brooklyn and I had a few errands to run today, so I got her dressed up! Her Wow and Aunt Veronica got her this cute little Christmas onesie! I can't believe Christmas is just a couple of days away. We haven't had time to go Christmas shopping yet. We only have a few gifts under the tree. I think Nick and I are both under the impression that we already got the greatest gift of all. Our precious little girl Brooklyn. We couldn't have asked for a greater gift, than a healthy happy baby girl. 
Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

First Outing!

We had our first outing on Wednesday. Brooklyn had her 5 day check up with the pediatrician. I got her all dolled up for the big event and we were off to see Dr. Ishibashi. Brooklyn has sensitive skin and has a little rash around her lips and chin. We got a cream to help with that. Other than that she is perfect. During our hospital stay Brooklyn lost about 8 ounces and in three days she gained a few ounces back weighting in at 7 pounds and 12 ounces. The doctor thinks she should be back up to birth weight by her two week check up. Which is set for 12/29/08! I am loving every minute with her. Even the two to three hours in the middle of the night when she wants to be loved on and held before she goes back to bed. Feeding are going good. I am unsure on when she is full. I just let her eat until she detaches or falls asleep. Which I normally have to wake her up because she passes out while feedings. It is hard to believe that she is almost a week old. The time has flown by. 

Rookie Mistake!

Our first bath at home came on Monday night! Brooklyn did great. She just fussed a little bit. It was very quick. It is really cold here right now so I wanted to get her in and out. The last thing I want is a sickly newborn. We had a great time, but I took her over to the couch and was drying her off and putting a little bit of lotion on her dry skin I totally forgot to put the diaper on FIRST. So, mid lotioning she decides she needs to poop. So, she pooped all over her towel. What a bone head mistake I made. One that I will not make again. She is sleeping well through the night. She wakes up a couple of times. She likes to hang out and be up and about for about two hours. She loves to be cuddled and loved on.

Monday, December 15, 2008

From Hospital to Home

Brooklyn got a nice and early start to the world. We had to spend a little extra time in the hospital and we got home early yesterday morning. We spent pretty much the whole day just hanging out and getting to know each other. She is really just a peaceful baby. My milk finally came in late last night. We are having a bit of trouble latching on, but pumping is okay. We will continue to try.  The photos are in order from bedtime last night to day one in the hospital. For some reason, no clue! On my moms blog is posted more photos. I will post later. As far as day two goes we are still just hanging out. Last night we got a huge snow fall, so it is really great just to be able to relax in our pajamas with no make up or doing my hair. Nick is off to the store to get groceries for the next week. Brooklyn is taking a nap! She should be waking up soon. It is almost feeding time. We are looking forward to day three.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Almost 24 Hours Old

Well, its MOM! My beautiful daughter is almost a full day old and is doing amazing. We have had such a amesome and blessed day. Nick and I are very fortunate to have had my mom here to help out during the entire process. There are so many things to say about being a first time parent. The entire labor experience was totally unbelievable. I woke up the morning of the 11th at unable to determine if I was having labor pains or gas. I called my doctors office and they told me to head into the hospital. Nick got ready and we were off. By then I determined that I was in LABOR. I was very nervous about getting the epi! I had myself so worked up I was ready to cry before the procedure even started. It was the most painLESS experience ever. The doctor was very quick in and out without no pain. I was very proud of myself. Nick and my mom kept me focused. So after a very long 17 hours later we were ready to push. So, myself and my "dream team" were ready to push. We started at 1:30am. Daddy was my counter doing an amazing job of counting me out during my contractions, telling me to breath and keeping me focused. My mom, well she was amazing beyond words. Supporting my head, helping me push, encouraging me, photographer and really all around great. Nick was amazed by the whole birthing experience. It took much longer than we all expected, but in the end Brooklyn Lea Wood arrived healthy, very pink and with a full head of brown hair. She is beautiful. Thanks everyone for all your prayers and well wishes. We are very blessed! I will post more photos when we get to go home on Sunday.

Friday, December 12, 2008


Here are some other photos Vanessa sent us! TOO ADORABLE I might add! Especially since she's in the little pooh outfit and hat, one of the outfits Aunt Veronica and I got her! Well more to come people! ENJOY! She is the cutest thing I have seen lately!!
*Love Aunt WOW!*


Well we just got word Brooklyn finally arrived!! After a mere 17 hours of labor! She is sooo adorable! A Healthy and Beautiful baby girl with a full head of dark brown hair. She weighed 8lbs 3 1/2oz and is 20 3/4 inches long! Here are some of her first photos! Enjoy! More to come! *Love Aunt WOW! Live from Waco Texas!*

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Really! No Baby Yet!

So, I had high hopes that this morning when I went to the doctor that I would be admitted for an induction. But, NO! Instead I was attached to a fetal monitor and then sent off to have a ultrasound. The doctor wanted to make sure that there was enough  fluid in my belly for Brooklyn to stay put for another five days or so. Now I am looking at MONDAY before he will think about inducing me. Needless to say it was a great big disappointment. I guess I could always go into labor between now and then, but I was dilated to a two and my cervix was still thinning and Brooklyn was still floating, but in the correct position. My poor mom flew out last Thursday to be here for her birth and then is scheduled to leave on Saturday. Needless to say she will be here for a little longer. Which is great for me! I enjoy having my mom around. Since I live so far away from all my family it is nice having her here to keep me company. I also decided to go back to work tomorrow. I feel like I am wasting my maternity time just hanging around without a baby to take care of. My mom will have to keep herself company for a day or so. Tomorrow night we are going to go a company Christmas party just to have something to do. Well, hopefully Brooklyn will decide she is ready to make her grand entrance SOON!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

39 Weeks and 4 Days

So, it was another disappointing doctors appointment today. Still just one centimeter dilated and 60% effaced. I was told I need to go walking so tomorrow since and I am finished with work (YEAH!) I will go to the mall for some retail therapy and walk around for a couple of hours with my MOMMY. My mother flew in this morning so I will have a partner in crime. We are hanging in there. Dr. Mary said I probably won't make it to my next appointment so there is a little light at the end of the tunnel. I hope WOW can see Brooklyn's new "twiddle."  It is very cute and soft. I am sure Brooklyn will love it. I will keep you posted. BTW: Aunt Jeannie I updated my blog as soon as I got home. Love yall and will keep everyone up to date.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Still Waiting!

So, I went for my 38 week check up today. No real good news to tell. I am still at a 1, 60% effaced and Brooklyn's heart rate was at 148. I was a little concerned because last week it was at 158, but Dr. Schumacher said I have nothing to worry about. He also said most first time moms are late not early. I get so sick of hearing that. I am rather bummed, somehow I have managed to lose my camera. How in the heck I did that I do not know? I am almost to the point of tears. I don't know if I am more upset because I have to buy a new one or just that I lost it. I just bought it in April so it is brand new. BUMMED! Nick is away at his little "DaddyMoon". He left on Sunday to the Bay Area to go a play in a golf tournament and get in a couple extra rounds of golf before Brooklyn arrives. I was a little reluctant about him going so close to the due date, but I guess all is well. He will be home today or tonight sometime. He was really excited. When I talked to him last night he seemed to be enjoying himself VERY much. Well, I guess next week we will know more. I go back to the doctor on the 4th and that is when my mom arrives. I am so excited that she will be here. Well, Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Love and Prayers!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What a Journey?

I have been truly blessed with an amazing pregnancy. I am at the finish line and as I reflect back over the past nine months I am blessed. HEARTBURN! That is it! That has been the worst of it. So, I don't get 8 to 12 hours of sleep a night. So, I have gained 20 pounds actually 17, but whatever. Maybe I had two weeks of morning sickness. So, I have a couple of stretch marks on my tummy. I never showed my belly before I was pregnant NOW I really won't. I get the WHOLE bed to myself every night. Nick moved to the guest bedroom a few (SIX) months ago so that during my 5 to 10 visits to the bathroom or repositioning myself to get comfortable he doesn't get woken up all the time. I sleep in the middle of the bed, on my side, his side, with my head at the foot of the bed, the other night I even slept sideways in the middle of the bed. Just trying to find the perfect spot is soooooo much easier with one person. I think we decide we are going to invest in a king size bed SOON. One night I had a "charlie horse" and yelled actually I screamed in agony and he came running. The last few months Nick has been really great. Not that he wasn't always great, but he cleans the house. NO, NO, I know it is hard to believe, but he sweeps, mops, vacuums, laundry, and the other day he dusted. I just sat there and watched in amazement. The only thing I think I have missed out on is the CrAvInGs! I haven't had any! NONE! There are things that I can't get in Nevada that I could get in Texas that my family (Thank you Mom, Veronica and Valerie) has mailed up to me. Wolf Brand Chili and Sour Pickles! Here in Nevada you can't get those two things. I only like Wolf Brand Chili and if I am going to eat pickles by themselves it is going to be SOUR pickles. I don't do Hormel chili or sweet pickles or those horrific bread and butter pickles. I am super excited to make pigs in a blanket and dip them in my Wolf Brand Chili. I have never made them for Nick so tomorrow he is in for quite the treat. I am starting to have small contractions very minor, but I am getting so anxious. Not really scared, but anxious and nervous. I am 26 years old and have NEVER experienced pain before in my life. I have never broke a bone or been in the hospital, besides getting stitches once when I was 8 or so (Thank you Jimmy Ray!) or giving blood. NO PAIN! Sorry ladies not even cramps! I am hoping for a quick and "painless" birth. The only thing I am scared of is getting the epidural. I am almost opposed to it, because I am scared it is going to hurt. I am sure I will make my mind up after child birth class on Saturday. I guess I will go and finish the CMA's and head to bed.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

36 Weeks & 3 Days

AAH! The number ONE never sounded so good! I had my check up this morning with Mary. It was a little uncomfortable, but well worth the information. My cervix is still hard, but I am dilated to a ONE and in front of her head. YES, her head is down and at a -1. Mary said she could feel her head. I am progressing in the right direction. She also said that most first time moms deliver between 39 and 41 weeks. So, I go again next week, but not until late in the afternoon. So, until then I hope I continue to move forward.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

36 WEEKS, 28 DAYS, 9 MONTHS! Take Your Pick!

Entering my 9th month, 36th week or only 28 days left until December 7th, 2008. I can't hardly wait. I spent a very relaxing weekend working on Brooklyn's nursery. Nick and I painted her little polka dots on her wall above her crib. We put her name in there. It turned out super cute. We were both happy with the outcome. Nick left me on Saturday night while the paint was drying to watch the Texas Tech/OSU game at the local sports bar. So, while he was gone I put the letters in the circles by myself. Of course when he got home I found out that the "B" & "R" was off centered. I think I got the fixed. He has a couple of things still to hang up on the wall, but we are both very happy with the way her room turned out. We have a lot of special pieces of our pasts in her room. Both of our first baby photos are in there, Nick's baby blanket that his aunt made for him, his little hand print, and a blanket that my mom made for me out of my Nana's pajamas. I have been sleeping much better at night. The past couple to days I didn't get out of bed until I wanted too. Nick was working and I had absolutely nothing going on. It was great. I go for my check up and exam on Tuesday morning. I hope the doctor will tell me that there is activity. I am ready to meet my little girl. We, well I, put off scheduling the child birth class so we go on Saturday, all day.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Baby Mine or His?

When I was in Waco in August I was able to get my first baby photo from my dad's house. So, a couple of nights ago Nick and I were cleaning house and looking through an old chest that Nick's mom had given him and we ran across Nick's first hospital photo. Well actually I assumed it is Nick because it was in a trifold photo frame that had photos of Nick's sisters Stevi and Rhonda, so I only assumed the third photo would be Nick. I am sure my mother in law will tell me different once I call her and give her our web address. So, I went out and bought matching frames and plan on putting them in Brooklyn's room once I get it all done. We are both two very cute babies, so my hopes are extremely high that Brooklyn will be no different. It will be interesting to see if Brooklyn favors her mommy or daddy. I hope she gets Nick's nose. I just love it.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Pampers & Poker

Being 8 1/2 months pregnant I amaze myself with the things I am doing. Just this past weekend I hosted a "Pampers & Poker Party" for my daddy to be Nick. It was really a lot of fun, not just for Nick, but myself as well. Although it was very time consuming and tiring. I baked cupcakes, brownies and pink rice crispy treats. I did take the "lazy" route and buy take and bake pizza's for a primary source of food, but I made dips and snack items also. I also made my own comemorative poker chips. I was very proud of my work. My feet and lower back have been killing me lately. I am thankful that so far I haven't had any swelling. I was on my feet all day long cooking and cleaning. Nick was actually a major help. Complaining only a couple of times about how much work he did around the house for his own party. I couldn't have done it without him. Poker was a lot of fun. The guys let me play in the first tournament and I ended up splitting first with Greg. I am the best poker player out of all of the guys. All and all we had a really great time and are truly blessed to have such wonderful friends. I think we have enough diapers to last a little while.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Great Pumpkin Carve!

So, with about a million and one things to do before the arrival of Brooklyn, my love Nick decided "we" and by we I mean he wanted to carve pumkins. Not the lazy way. Nick bought a carving kit and sat on the couch Sunday afternoon watching football and carving out his pumpkin. Instead of putting together the baby crib or preparing the house for his "Pampers & Poker Party" on Saturday. I will have to say the outcome of the pumkin was rather nice. Now all he has to do is the other one. I am super excited for this weekend and Nick's baby shower. He would be annoyed if he knew I called it a baby shower. It is men doing men things poker, beer, food and fun. He is excited too, I think. I just wanted Nick to have fun with the pregnancy and have a little something for being the Daddy to Be. I will post pictures from this coming weekend.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Good News!

Well on Friday of last week I had to go and do a 3 HOUR glucose tolerance test. It was horrible. First you have to fast for 3 hours then you have to drink this nasty thick syrup crap that tastes like lemon-lime. After you drink it you have to have your blood drawn 3 times in hour intervals. It sucked. I had a total of 4 withdraws that day. Today I got the good news that all my test came back negative. I was really happy. I get to go to the doctor tomorrow for a 33 week check up. I missed my appointment last week because I was out of town for work. Tomorrow I also start my search for a pediatrician for Brooklyn. My OB/GYN recommended that I look into getting a female pediatrician, because most are mothers and know what I am or can go through with a new baby. So, I have several consultations set up over the next few weeks. Then our next big thing is Childbirth class. I can't wait!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Virgin Blogger

I am pretty sure I have no idea where to start. I did start this blog so my family and friends back in Texas can keep up with my life. Most people know that I am expecting my first child in early December. Nick and I couldn't be more excited. He has left all of the planning, shopping, and preparing up to me. All he needs is a date and time to be where and when and he will be there. It is taking him a little longer than most men I think to grasp on to the whole idea about becoming a first time daddy. He is having a hard time letting go of the "good ole days"! He has always been the life of the party and a ready for anything kind of guy. So, as we get closer to time I keep telling him he needs to back up and grasp on to REALITY, you my friend are about to be a DADDY! No more all nighters with the guys or late night phone calls "Hey honey can you come get me!" Wake up and smell the roses my love our life is about to BEGIN! So far I really can't complain. I have had a really easy pregnancy. He has been VERY good as far as asking how I am feeling. Changing the cat liter boxes and helping out around the house. Well, I will try to do this more later.