Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Party for MY Princess!

On December 12 Brooklyn turned TWO. We had been talking up for birthday for weeks. Telling her that she was going to be TWO. Asking her how old are you going to be. It was actually quite funny because every time we asked her it sounded like she was saying NINE. I wanted to make her birthday morning special and since her dada had to work when she woke up we made her favorite blueberry pancakes. I had been talking up her birthday party all throughout breakfast because I wanted Brooklyn to get a morning nap in before her JUMP party at 12:30 so she wouldn't be a little beast at her party. We had a great morning just hanging out at home, eat breakfast, napped and then it was time to party. We had her party a JUMPMANJUMP which was a place with bounce houses, a super slide and a obstacle course. Brooklyn had a great time. She got so many great presents. We are so blessed to have such amazing friends that came out to celebrate Brooklyns' life. After her party we came home and pulled out some of our new toys and play and then we were fortunate enough to get a afternoon nap in as well. Brooklyn had an amazing second birthday. We will be going to the doctor on the 29th so I will post her two year stats.

1 comment:

Kensie said...

Can you believe our kiddos are TWO??!! She's SO cute! Happy Birthday, Brooklyn!!