Brooklyn and I started our day off trying to eat a few cheerios, but as you can see she wasn't happy.
Then we decided to go and play on the floor.
Brooklyn loves her new little blocks.

She really just likes to put them into her mouth.

Then we ended our night with some more cheerios. Brooklyn really just loves them.

I had to take Brooklyn to the doctor last week because she had been violently pulling on her ears. I was concerned that she had a ear infection, but the baby sitter said that since she wasn't fussy, still was eating normally or a fever that she was fine. Then her husband said "Well she probably just found her ears and is playing with them." Since it was on a Friday I wanted to play it safe, so I took her in. Dr. Ishibashi found absolutely nothing wrong with her. All she said was that she probably just found her ears and wants to play with them. So, Justin you were right. Brooklyn, of course, had her temperature and weight taken. I was curious at how much she weighted anyways. I was a little shocked that she only weighted 16.14 pounds. Dr. Ishibashi doesn't think Brooklyn will weight 20 pounds by the time she is one. I guess we will see. Brooklyn is getting so good at pulling up her self on things. She is a speed crawler. You can't take your eyes off of her for one second. Last week I also saw her pivot from the ottoman to the couch without holding on to anything. I could not believe it. Brooklyn is growing up so so fast. Her only words are still bah bah and mama. She is working on trying to get Dada out, but no luck yet.
Then we decided to go and play on the floor.
She really just likes to put them into her mouth.
Then we ended our night with some more cheerios. Brooklyn really just loves them.
I had to take Brooklyn to the doctor last week because she had been violently pulling on her ears. I was concerned that she had a ear infection, but the baby sitter said that since she wasn't fussy, still was eating normally or a fever that she was fine. Then her husband said "Well she probably just found her ears and is playing with them." Since it was on a Friday I wanted to play it safe, so I took her in. Dr. Ishibashi found absolutely nothing wrong with her. All she said was that she probably just found her ears and wants to play with them. So, Justin you were right. Brooklyn, of course, had her temperature and weight taken. I was curious at how much she weighted anyways. I was a little shocked that she only weighted 16.14 pounds. Dr. Ishibashi doesn't think Brooklyn will weight 20 pounds by the time she is one. I guess we will see. Brooklyn is getting so good at pulling up her self on things. She is a speed crawler. You can't take your eyes off of her for one second. Last week I also saw her pivot from the ottoman to the couch without holding on to anything. I could not believe it. Brooklyn is growing up so so fast. Her only words are still bah bah and mama. She is working on trying to get Dada out, but no luck yet.
We are so proud of Brooklyn.
Her Big Beauitful Eye Still Astound Me Her Smile Like A Ray Of Sunshine. My Dear Vanessa You WERE INDEED TRUELY BLESSED!!! I would however Love to see a video of your little speed crawler. Don't want to miss out on nothing. My Love To ALL!!! MOM/MIMI
What a sweet pea! LOVE YALL!!
Sounds like she is so much fun! I can't wait for Madison to talk - Jared and I try and guess what her voice will sound like. We are doing well, just trying to get her to sleep more during the night. She is doing 3 hour segments right now.
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