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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Brooklyn's First Date (PlayDate)

Thanks to my friend Roxy, Nick and I got some much needed mommy\daddy  time! Roxy asked if she could watch Brooklyn over at her house, so that she could play with Riley. Riley is the son of a friend of mine and Roxy's. Riley is a month and a half older than Brooklyn. He is such a adorable little boy and I just love him. Here are some pictures of their "first date"! 
(And in case you are wondering they are playing with a granola bar! I have no clue?)

1 comment:

*Valerie* said...

Sweet! But I have only a few questions! 1. Why are they playing with a granola bar? Seriously? and 2. Where the heck are her clothes! I know she has PLENTY of those!
Love yall lots! See yall soon!